When a Mate Wants Out Secrets for Saving a Marriage Case of 30



“Please help me! I’m devastated. My husband tells me he doesn’t love me anymore. He has moved out … “ If you are reeling from the pain and confusion of your mate’s leaving, if you are thinking there is nothing you can do to save your marriage, you need to read When a Mate Wants Out. When a Mate Wants Out takes you from the first shock of abandonment through the hard work of restoration. Using principles based on over thirteen years of counseling hundreds of individuals whose spouses want out, Sally and Jim Conway disclose the secrets for saving a marriage. These include: • immediate actions to take when you first learn your mate wants out • how to meet your own needs during this time of rejection • changes you need to make to restore the marriage • how to meet the needs of your spouse • handling past and present baggage in the marriage • the step-by-step process for rebuilding the relationship • long-range goals to maintain the relationship Using these techniques, the Mid-Life Dimensions Counseling Center has achieved a fifty percent success rate for saving faltering marriages. You can restore your marriage. With faith and an abundance of love, you can work toward restoration, drawing your mate back into a happier, more fulfilling marriage.
Contributor(s) Sally Conway , Jim Conway
About the Contributor(s) Sally Conway
Sally Conway held a MS in education from the University of Illinois and she was a writer, seminar speaker, counselor, University professor, and a radio and TV person. She was the Vice President and co-founder of Midlife Dimensions - a ministry whose mission statement is, 'Strengthening and Healing Midlife Marriages'. Sally died in 1997 after a 7 year battle with breast cancer, but her husband Jim continues the ministry.

Jim Conway
Jim Conway holds a PhD., DMin., plus two masters degrees. He is the author/co-author of 14 books and over 150 articles on marriage and family issues - specializing in Midlife Crisis. Jim is the former co-speaker on the national daily radio program heard on over 200 stations entitled 'Midlife Dimensions' plus, he has appeared on hundreds of other radio and TV programs. Jim has pastored churches for over 25 years, was the director of the Doctor of Ministry program and Associates Professor at Talbot Seminary, CA, and is currently with a new ministry called LateLife Hope. Visit his website – www.latelifehope.com
UPC 025986236472
ISBN-10 0310236479
ISBN-13 9780310236474
Publish Date Jul 12, 2000
Weight (lbs) 0.6050
Height 9
Width 6
Length 220
Length Unit Pages
Publisher Zondervan
Format Paperback
Language English

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