The Holy Spirit Activating God's Power in Your Life



Exciting, revolutionary power is available exclusively to you as a Christian . . .

It is the supernatural power:

  • To transform human nature
  • To be the salt of the earth, and the light of the world
  • To bring about a dramatic but peaceful revolution in those around you
  • To face any crisis

You cannot buy this extraordinary power, nor can you find it by searching the earth for it. As a Christian it resides in you already, an awesome gift from God that you have only to claim and use once you know and accept its Source.

Christians are powerful people, Billy Graham reminds us in this inspiring and insightful book, because 'we have the mighty power of God available to us through . . . the Holy Spirit,' He comes to us with no conditions attached. Jesus simply said, 'If I go, I will send Him to you.'

With prayerful reverence and focused wisdom, Dr. Graham puts an understandable face on this mysterious third Person of the Trinity: The Holy Spirit is 'not an impersonal force, like gravity or magnetism. He is a Person, with all the attributes of personality. But not only is He a Person, He is divine as well . . . . He comforts us. Guides us. Sanctifies us. He tells His servants what to preach. He directs missionaries where to go. He helps us in our infirmities. . .'

Read this amazing book and see anew how this Person can transform your life and give you the power 'to be truly good' and 'to live victoriously.'

Contributor(s) Billy Graham
About the Contributor(s) Billy Graham
Billy Graham, the world-renowned author, preacher, and evangelist, has delivered the gospel message to more people face-to-face than anyone in history and has ministered on every continent of the world.  Millions have read his inspirational classics, including Angels, The Secret of Happiness, Peace with God, The Holy Spirit, Hope for the Troubled Heart, and How to be Born Again.
UPC 023755026200
ISBN-10 0849911249
ISBN-13 9780849911248
Release Date Nov 23, 2011
Weight (lbs) 0.6900
Height 8.3
Width 5.4
Length 304
Length Unit Pages
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Format Paperback
Language English

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