Alex: The Life of a Child Case of 36



Alexandra Deford, a precious and precocious girl, was just eight years old when she died in 1980 following a battle against the debilitating effects of cystic fibrosis, the number-one genetic killer of children. Her poignant and uplifting story touched the hearts of millions when it was first published and then made into a memorable television movie. A new introduction contains information on the latest cystic fibrosis research, and a touching postcript reveals how the Deford family came to terms with the loss of Alex.

Whenever he speaks, sportswriter Frank Deford knows people will bring articles for him to sign. But what makes him happiest is when someone attends a sports-oriented lecture and brings a copy of Alex: The Life of a Child for him to sign. 'Invariably, and happily, there's usually someone at each appearance who either brings that book or wants to talk about their connection to cystic fibrosis.' Deford says. 'It's tremendously gratifying to me. Rarely does a week go by that I don't get a letter about that book. People leave things at her grave. They really do. I have people tell me that she changed their lives. It's terribly dramatic, but they literally say that. I heard from a woman who became a pediatric nurse after reading the book. Hearing from people like that means more to me than anything.'

Contributor(s) Frank Deford
About the Contributor(s) Frank Deford
Frank Deford is a sportswriter and sportscaster whose work appears in Newsweek and Sports Illustrated. He is also a regular commentator on NPR and ESPN. He has published works of fiction, written movie screenplays and won an Emmy and a Cable Ace award. And he has served for over 10 years as the chairman emeritus of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
UPC 031869005523
ISBN-10 1558535527
ISBN-13 9781558535527
Release Date Aug 1, 1997
Weight (lbs) 0.7400
Height 9
Width 6.00
Length 240
Length Unit Pages
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Format Paperback
Language English

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