Wild in the Hollow On Chasing Desire and Finding the Broken Way Home



Wild in the Hollow

On Chasing Desire and Finding the Broken Way Home


Amber Haines is a woman haunted by God. Like Eve in the Garden, she craved the fruit that she thought would lead her to freedom. But the whispers of temptation led her instead down a path of isolation, dissatisfaction, and life-altering choices. In her most broken moment, Amber met God waiting for her in the fallout, freely offering her grace and life.

This is a story of the God who makes himself known in broken places.

"Wild in the Hollow captivated me from the first page. Amber's brave story invites us to explore our own broken places as she beckons us to wholeness and healing."--Rebekah Lyons, author of Freefall to Fly and co-founder of Q Ideas

"This book made me feel homesick and at home all at the same time. Only Amber could so beautifully and rightly write into the parts of our human experience that usually defy words."--Sarah Bessey, author of Jesus Feminist and Out of Sorts

"Amber Haines is a once-in-a-generation voice. She moves us back to the place we all long to be--deeply intimate with and known by God. This book is a true gift, and I have more hope because of it."--Nish Weiseth, author of Speak: How Your Story Can Change the World

"How can a woman with a story so different from my own be telling my story too? Amber Haines has found a way, and I am deeply grateful for her artistry, her honesty, and her courage. This captivating book has stunned me speechless."--Emily P. Freeman, author of Simply Tuesday and A Million Little Ways

I always knew there was more than what my eyes could see. Maybe that's why it's easy for me to imagine Eden. I have my own version, the place where I clearly remember my early childhood experience as beautiful, wild, and protected.

In prose that is at once lyrical and utterly honest, a brave new voice takes you on a windswept journey down the path of brokenness to healing, satisfaction, and true intimacy with God. Amber Haines calls us to dispense with the pretty bows we use to dress up our stories and instead trust God to take our untidy, unfinished lives and make them free, authentic, and whole.

If you struggle with doubt or hold secrets, if you have ever felt marginalized or like you are missing something, you will find in Amber a sister and a voice inviting you back home, to a place of acceptance, fulfillment, and identity--and into the heart of God.

Amber C. Haines is a soulful writer and a blogger at TheRunaMuck.com. She is curator, with her husband, Seth, of Mother Letters and is a contributor with many acclaimed writers and bloggers at DaySpring's (in)courage. She lives in Arkansas, has four wild sons, and finds community among the broken.

  • Format
    5.5 x 8
    Pub. Date
    Jul 2015
    Number of pages

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